About Zeolite


Zeolite is a volcanic mineral with a unique interconnecting lattice structure. This lattice structure is arranged to form a honeycomb framework of consistent diameter interconnecting channels and pores. Negatively charged alumina and neutrally charged silica tetrahedral building blocks are stacked to produce the open three-dimensional honeycomb framework. Zeolites actually attract odours & gases and trap them in its crystalline structure. Zeolites also attract positively charged ions, because the Zeolite maintains a negative charge.


Zeolite is an amazing crystalline mineral capable of adsorbing and absorbing many different types of gases, moisture, petrochemicals, heavy metals, low-level radioactive elements and a multitude of various solutions. The channels in the Zeolite provide large surface areas on which chemical reactions can take place. The cavities and channels within the crystal can occupy up to 50% of its volume. Zeolites can adsorb or absorb large amounts of materials, such as ions or gas molecules.


The cage-shaped structure of Zeolites makes a wide internal and outer surface area for ion exchange and chemical reactions. The pores cover the volume by 50%. These pores function as the molecular sieve. Zeolites are naturally loaded negative and capable of high ion exchange. Due to the porous structure and high ion exchange capacity, the Zeolites are capable to keep and absorb many kinds of gas and odour, water and moisture, petrochemical substances, low level radioactive elements, ammonium, toxins, heavy metals and many solutions.




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