Zeo-Fresh dour Eliminator for Sport Shoes & Equipment

Zeo-Fresh dour Eliminator for Sport Shoes & Equipment

Product no.: AD14
Your price: £0.00

Fresh your sport's stuff, naturally!

Sports shoes and equipment can smell horrible. What’s frightening about the smell is what you smell.  As bacteria forms in the sports equipment, it gives off an odour, which is what you smell when you open the sports bag.  In that smell are thousands of airborne bacteria, MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), which can attach them to your skin, or your lungs as you breathe causing an unhealthy environment for both the person playing and anyone around them.

Not only do Zeo-Fresh pouches eliminate odour from sports equipment, even a golf bag, they help dry it out as well.  In our field testing, gloves, skates and cleats are dry in about 4 hours. This is great in a tournament situation where the equipment is worn often.

When your Zeo-Fresh pouches start to smell like your feet, it’s time to renew them. Place your Zeo-Fresh pouches in the sun for 8 hours and that will release everything stored and re-energize them. For other options visit our  Pouch Re-energizing  page.



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